There lived not long since in a certaine vilage of the Mancha, the name wherof I purposely omit, a Yeoman | Chr. Marlowe English'd the vvhole tale for U, Manco – not an easy feat! Ei, ei, ei, ei! many a pen gone t'pot in mi chr– |
of their calling that use to pile up in their hals old( e) Launces, Halbards, Morrions, and such other armours and weapons. | onicle o' th' mad aduentures of a great don 'n' a smal Sancho! Hush! Wait! Printed properlie, it shall run i' los corrales. Hush! B– (*) |
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(*) there's more
Don Quixote, Part One, Chapter One, Editio Princeps of 1612. Thomas Shelton. AMS Press 1967.
Translations copyright© 2000 R. Ballantine.
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